You were my destination...
Since I left my country, 5 years ago, I knew that the sea would be the right path to follow. I dreamt about it. I put my hope in it. Sailing with no destinations and no fear, seeking in the loneliness of a voyage, the peace to fight my monsters. Pure meditation with no need of anything or anybody. I would never expected to share this with a mate. I'm watching you in this picture and i don't care anymore about myself nor my nightmares. I don't care to meditate or be focused on my way. I feel to be here, only to look over you. leaving you alone, in front, on the deck, giving you all the freedom to ride your dreams, choose the next destination or just to rest. I'm here, like a first mate waiting for the next command from his captain. Now, after 5years i know why i felt that uncontrollable need to learn how to sail. I was suppose to be here to carry you everywhere you wanted. You were my destination.